Salesforce (beta)

Follow these steps to connect your Salesforce instance to Select Star.

For instances operating within a non-publicly accessible environment, such as a private network, please refer to our guide on Integrating Private Network Data Sources for detailed instructions and best practices.

1. Create a service account for Select Star

We recommend creating a dedicated service account for Select Star with metadata-only roles and permissions.

  • Go to Settings → Setup → Users → Users and click New User

    • Last Name selectstar

    • Email Your email

    • User License Salesforce Integration

    • Profile Minimum access - API Only Integrations (note: if you select the minimum access profile, an administrator will need to obtain the Security Token for you)

  • Click the Save button

  • Click Continue

2. Required permissions

These are the permissions you will need to fetch the metadata from Salesforce.

  • API Access: You must have the API Enabled permission in your Salesforce organization

  • Object Permissions: You must have read access to the Salesforce objects that you want to ingest

3. Get your security token

The Salesforce Security Token is required to access the metadata through APIs.

  • Login to an account with administrator privileges.

  • Go to Settings → Setup → Users → Users

  • Locate the API-only user and click the Login button

  • Click on the username and select My Settings

  • From the Personal section, select Reset My Security Token

  • Click the Reset Security Token

  • The new token will be sent to the email address of the API-only user.

If there is no option to login next to the edit button, you need to enable the “Administrators Can Log in as Any User” option in the Setup menu:

  • Go to Settings → Setup → Login Access Policies

  • Select the Administrators Can Log in as Any User checkbox.

  • Click Save.

If you need further assistance please check this doc on how to get the security token.

4. Create a new data source in Select Star

  • Display Name - The Name you want to give to your new data source

  • Username - The user's username

  • Password - Your password

  • Security Token - Your security token

  • Salesforce API Version - You can specify the API version if needed, follow the steps mentioned here to get the API version (default 42.0)

  • Salesforce Domain - You can specify the domain you want to use to access the platform (default login)

Select Star currently does not support Popularity and Lineage for this integration. If needed, please feel free to contact us so we can explore alternative solutions.

Your metadata should start loading automatically, once the sync is complete, you'll be able to see it in Select Star.

See the link below for more information on how to navigate through data warehouses.

Last updated