dbt Tags

We now sync all dbt tags to Select Star!

You can see your dbt tags as part of your Tags sidebar once they are ingested in Select Star.

Tags in Select Star will automatically be matched to dbt tags ingested, based on their names.

To manually match a dbt tag to Select Star tag:

  1. Go to admin and the dbt data source within the admin settings

  2. Go to the Tags Tab

  3. Use the drop down to match any Select Star tab to a dbt Tag.

Once matched, the Select Star tag will show up everywhere instead of the dbt tag with a tooltip highlighting this connection.

To hide a dbt Tag from Select Star:

  1. Go to admin and the dbt data source within the admin settings

  2. Go to the Tags Tab

  3. Uncheck any dbt tags that are not needed in Select Star.

To learn more about how tags in Select Star work, go to Tags

Last updated