
Select Star provides a powerful Slack application for a number of uses:

  • Users can quickly find and share links to data assets with other people in the organization

  • The @Select Star bot can be added to public and private channels to answer data questions based on the information in Select Star.

Using the Select Star App for Slack, you can leverage the power of Select Star's search to quickly send a starting point for others to explore, receive Select Star notifications, or browse through search results.



You will need admin access to your organization's Slack.


Visit and click Add to Slack. You'll be redirected Slack in the browser and asked to grant permissions.

Click Allow. You'll be guided through a few simple integration steps by Slack. Then you'll be all set up to start using the app!


If you need to re-install the Slack Application (such as if you are upgrading to leverage the new AI based capabilities), you can re-install from the following link:

Connect a User Account

In order to leverage the Slack application features such as AI powered chat, notifications, and search, your user account must be connected. Head to slack and find Select Star in the list of Apps.

Under the Home tab you will see a button to Connect an account. This will link your Slack account with your Select Star user account so that you can receive notifications and search in Slack.

Alternatively, clicking Link User Account under User Settings will take you through the same steps.

At least one user must connect their account to use the AI powered chat features.

Answer Data Questions (Beta)

AI powered chat is currently in beta and needs to be separately enabled for your account. If you're not sure if it is, please reach out to

Select Star's Slack bot can help detect and identify data questions that can be answered by information you have in Select Star. Relevant questions include:

  • Learning more about your data

  • Finding the right content

  • Generating queries

Read more on the AI chatbot.

How to use the AI chatbot in Slack

  • The Select Star bot @Select Star must be added to the channel (public or private)

  • The bot will identify questions that it can help answer, and will automatically ask to answer

  • Users can also mention @Select Star directly in a message or thread to get a response

Important note: once setup, any user can use the Select Star AI chatbot to answer questions. They do not need a Select Star account, and will be able to access all data that is connected and searchable within Select Star.

Slack Notifications

User Notifications

When a users add the Select Star app for Slack to their Slack, you will start receiving notifications when changes are made in Select Star. These are the same notifications you would see in the Select Star app.

You'll receive a notification for:

  • Metadata changes

    • You are added as an Owner to a data asset.

    • Someone comments on a data asset you own.

    • Someone modifies the description or tags on a data asset you own

  • Schema changes

    • There is a schema change in an object that you own.

  • Mentions

    • Someone replies to a comment you posted, or mentions you in a comment.

Users can configure their notification settings on the User Settings page.

Team Notifications

Similar to user notifications, admins can configure team notifications to send to a Slack channel. See Team Notifications.

Organization Notifications

Admins can configure organization wide notifications for schema changes. Admins can select a Slack channel to receive notifications for schema changes for:

  • Assets with business or technical owners, OR

  • All assets

Slack Commands

Currently, the app has two commands.

  • Help Command: Learn the usage of the Select Star App for Slack.

  • Search Command: Search and post results from Select Star in Slack. You can also specify the type of search results you'd like to see.

Help Command

Keep in mind you can type /help into Slack at any time to see usage information for the app.

Search Command

Search Select Star using the command /selectstar <search query> or /s* <search query>. Both commands work the same way; one is simply shorter than the other.

For example, if you search /selectstar customers in Select Star, you may see something like this:

You'll see the results in the same order you would in Select Star, where the most relevant and popular items show first.

If the first result isn't what you're looking for, you can click the Next and Previous buttons to browse through the results, or choose to See all results in Select Star to open the search results page in your browser.

Search results from the Select Star App for Slack will be visible only to you, unless you choose to click the Post button, which will share the results to everyone in the channel.

Searching by Type

If you are looking for a specific kind of data, such as a database table or Tableau view, you can specify the type in the command.

Based on the same example above, if you wanted to find database tables with "Customer" in the name, you would search /selectstar customer type:columns, with no space between type: and columns.

The list of data types you can filter by:

  • Database: table, column, user, schema, database

  • Looker: looker_explore, looker_explore_field, looker_dashboard

  • Mode: mode_space, mode_report

  • Tableau: tableau_view, tableau_field, tableau_data_source

  • Power BI: power_bi_folder, power_bi_dashboard. power_bi_report

  • Sigma: sigma_dashboards, sigma_folders

  • Thoughtspot: thoughtspot_liveboards, thoughtspot_answers, thoughtspot_tables, thoughtspot_views, thoughtspot_worksheets, thoughtspot_columns

  • QuickSight: quicksight_dashboards, quicksight_reports, quicksight_bidashboardelements, quicksight_bidatasets, quicksight_bicolumns

Slack Settings

Under Admin > Apps > Slack you can see which channels the Select Star Slackbot has been added to and configure unfurl settings for Select Star URLs.

Removing Slackbot from a Channel

To remove the Select Star slackbot from a specific channel use the /remove command in the channel you want the bot to leave.

Last updated