MySQL (beta)

Follow these steps to connect your MySQL instance to Select Star.

For instances operating within a non-publicly accessible environment, such as a private network, please refer to our guide on Integrating Private Network Data Sources for detailed instructions and best practices.

1. Create a Service Account

We recommend creating a dedicated service account for Select Star with metadata-only roles and permissions.

  1. Execute the following command:

    CREATE USER '<username>' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
    GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO '<username>'
    GRANT SHOW VIEW ON *.* TO '<username>'
    -- Apply the changes

2. Create a new data source in Select Star

  • Display Name - The Name you want to give to your new datasource.

  • Hostname - Your hostname defines the location where your database is hosted.

  • Port - The communication endpoint used to connect clients to the MySQL instance.

  • Username - Specify the User to connect to. It should have enough privileges to read all the metadata.

  • Password - Password to connect the MySQL instance.

Select Star currently does not support Popularity and Lineage for this integration. If needed, please feel free to contact us so we can explore alternative solutions.

3. Enable query logging

Select Star platform supports various query log sources, for optimal selection, please refer to the documentation.

4. Choose databases and schemas

After you fill in the information, you'll be asked to select the databases you'd like to load into Select Star.

Select Star will not read queries or metadata for databases, schemas, or tables that are not loaded. Please load all data for which you expect to see metadata.

You can change the databases and schemas you have loaded if needed.

Your metadata should start loading automatically, once the sync is complete, you'll be able to see it in Select Star.

See the link below for more information on how to navigate through data warehouses.

Getting Started: Data Warehouse

Last updated